RAMP's Services
RAMP is always available for collaboration to create inclusive experiences and would love to be part of your community
The RAMP Roll-Through

Are you a small business owner who is concerned about accessibility?
Do you think making your place of business more accessible will be too costly, or do you simply not know where to start?
RAMP can help with that!
The RAMP Roll-Through is an accessibility assessment that will help you make your place of business accessible and disability-friendly in an affordable way.

RAMP CEO Tina Guenette and the United Way RI Design Team - working together with others makes us all stronger!

We understand the struggles that small businesses are facing, especially after these past few years. The thought of having to modify your business to increase accessibility may feel daunting, but it doesn't have to be!
In fact, creating a disability-friendly space is good business! It's estimated that nearly 25% of the adult population has some form of disability. Would you want to turn away every 4th customer who came to your door? Probably not!
Anthony Santurri, Owner of Free Play Bar Arcade
Remember that disability is a group any one of us can join at any time, and businesses also have to meet the needs of an aging population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of people age 65 and over grew by 38% from 2010 to 2011. That makes this the fasting growing age group!
By 2030, all members of the Baby Boomer generation will be 65 or over, and the Census Bureau estimates that there will be approximately 77 million people in that age group. Businesses need to be inclusively-designed to meet the needs of these customers.

How does The RAMP Roll-Through work?
It's easy! Contact RAMP to schedule your free assessment. We show up and do a "roll-through" in our wheelchairs to see where unknown barriers may exist. Yes, we are real wheelchair users - you get authentic user feedback!
RAMP will then provide you with an assessment and recommendations about steps you can take to modify or otherwise make your space more disability-friendly. There is no cost for this service! However, we will gladly accept a donation if you wish to continue supporting our work.

Anthony Santurri, the first RAMP Roll-Through client, RAMP CEO Tina Guenette and RI Lt. Governor Matos
Let's get rolling!

Contact RAMP to schedule your free RAMP Roll-Through assessment today!
Be sure to ask about these other informational training services we offer to small businesses:
Access 101: Accessibility Design Standards for a Small Business
Best Practices for Hiring People with Disabilities
Disability Sensitivity Training
Untapped: How to Market to People with Disabilities
Additional Services
Contact RAMP to find out about the services we offer to the community
Public Speaking and Panel Discussions
Disability Sensitivity Training
Speaking to schools about disability
Workplace advocacy for disability inclusion
Sharing My Journey: The Lived Experiences of People with Disabilities
Accessibility Consultation
We offer consulting to ensure your organization's event is accessible and inclusive
We can also be present at your event to provide information about accessibility
See "RAMP's Impact" to learn more about our work
Disability Community
We connect individuals in need with the proper resources

RAMP CEO Tina Guenette and gives a presentation on disabilities to schoolchildren.
What Our Clients Say
Kay Stark
This is an incredible organization providing real results to improve and enhance the lives of ALL with disabilities. Tina is committed to providing countless opportunities to all those living with disabilities and strives to make life fair and inclusive, creating equality for all.
Leah Marini
Tina is such an advocate for inclusion. She truly spends every waking moment helping others. She demonstrates a strength that not only inspires but makes positive changes for all. I can’t wait to see all the amazing things that RAMP has in store for our community and state!
Irene Wei
Tina is an advocator and educator (and more). Her insight has been so helpful and she is devoted to creating equality in her community. Tina is the epitome of what I believe is a true role model to everyone. The impact of this organization is substantial and creates necessary leaders in our communities.